What the tastiest thing to mix E&J brandy with so that you dont taste much alcohol?

What we found is that brandy is a great base for c0cktails. It is often mixed with coke, but due to the flavour profile of brandy, it also pairs very well with citrus.

You might want to try this Mixed Drink Recipe:



1 oz. Brandy
dash(es) Lemon Juice
Coca Cola


Pour over ice in a lawball glass. The lemon takes away the taste of the brandy… but watch out, this drink will hit you!

As with many different types of alcohol, brandy can have an effect on the heart. When drunk in moderation, research has shown that brandy contains a wide range of beneficial antioxidants, much like the wine from which it is derived. Learn some of the important health benefits of brandy at Organicfacts.net.

Tags: alcoholbrandy 

Thursday, December 17 2015