Not Medical Advice:
There are a lot of home remedies that you can try. Here are just a few:
Cover the wart with a small piece of duct tape. Cut a piece that will just cover the wart. Stick it on and leave it there for six days. When you take the tape off, soak the area in water for a few minutes, then use a disposable emery board or pumice stone to file down the dead, thick skin. Leave the wart uncovered overnight and apply a new patch in the morning. Repeat the procedure until you’re wart-free.
Grind up a few vitamin C tablets, mix with enough water to make a paste and dab it onto your wart. Cover the paste with a bandage or tape. Because the tablets are highly acidic, they can help wear the wart away and also fight the virus itself.
Apply freshly crushed garlic directly to the wart and cover with a bandage. The caustic effect of the garlic will cause the wart to blister and fall off in as little as one week. Apply new garlic every day, avoiding contact with healthy surrounding skin. (Smearing the area around the wart with petroleum jelly can help.
Pull a dandelion from your yard, break the stem and squeeze some of its liquid onto your wart. Do this daily as needed. The sap is mildly irritating, so it stimulates your immune system to take care of the wart. Don’t use dandelions that have been treated with herbicides during the previous few years.
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Warts are benign skin growths caused by viruses. Most come from the human papillomavirus (HPV), which infects the top layer of skin and causes it to grow rapidly, creating a wart. You can contract this virus if you cut or damage your skin in some way, and then touch someone else who has it. You can also catch the virus by sharing towels, razors, or other personal care items.
Though anyone can develop warts, some people are more at risk, particularly children and teenagers and people with a weakened immune system.
There are several different kinds of warts—each looks different and will show up on different parts of the body:
Different kinds of warts via kwout