What does 115 volts convert to in amps?

You can't convert volts to amps since volt and amp units represent different quantities (like converting gallons to miles).

However, if you have at least least two of the following three: amps, volts or watts then the missing one can be calculated. Since watts are amps multiplied by volts, there is a simple relationship between them.

Use this handy Volts / Watts / Amps Converter to calculate volts, watts, or amps.

The following equations can be used to convert between amps, volts, and watts:

Converting Watts to Amps

The conversion of Watts to Amps at fixed voltage is governed by the equation Amps = Watts/Volts

For example 12 watts/12 volts = 1 amp

Converting Amps to Watts

The conversion of Amps to Watts at fixed voltage is governed by the equation Watts = Amps x Volts

For example 1 amp * 110 volts = 110 watts

Converting Watts to Volts

The conversion of Watts to Volts at fixed amperage is governed by the equation Volts = Watts/Amps

For example 100 watts/10 amps = 10 volts

Converting Volts to Watts

The conversion of Volts to Watts at fixed amperage is governed by the equation Watts = Amps x Volts

For example 1.5 amps * 12 volts = 18 watts

Converting Volts to Amps at fixed wattage

The conversion of Volts to Amps if the wattage is known is governed by the equations Amps = Watts/Volts

For example 120 watts/110 volts = 1.09 amps

Converting Amps to Volts at fixed wattage

The conversion of Amps to Volts if the wattage is know is governed by the equation Volts = Watts/Amps

For Example, 48 watts / 12 Amps = 4 Volts

Converting Volts to Amps at a fixed resistance

If you know the volts and the load of the resistance the amps are found by Ohm's law: Amps = Volts / Resistance

Converting Amps to Volts at fixed resistance

If you know the amps and the resistance Ohm's law becomes Volts = Amps * Resistance

Tags: wattageampsvolts 
Friday, August 25 2017
Source: https://www.powerstream.com/Amps-Watts.htm#volts-amps