What are the symptoms of hpv in the mouth?

Not Medical Advice: HPV found in the mouth and throat is called “oral HPV.”

While some persons have no signs or symptoms, others might have trouble with swallowing. Other signs are:

coughing up blood

a lump on the neck or in the cheek, or

hoarseness that doesn’t go away

Unfortunately, these are late signs of the disease.

Other potential signs and symptoms of oral cancers are:

sore throat

a white or red patch on the tonsils

jaw pain or swelling, and

numbness of the tongue, among others

These signs don’t necessarily mean that you have cancer, but if any signs are present for longer than 2 weeks, you should see your doctor.

Get more information about HPV at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Tip! Check out 8 Ways to Keep Your Mouth Healthy shared by WebMD.

Tags: throatsymptoms 
Wednesday, March 16 2016

Source: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases_conditions/hic_Oral_Human_Papilloma_Virus_HPV_infection

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