False. Determining the main idea, or point, is the most important key to good comprehension. The main idea is a general “umbrella” idea; all the specific supporting material of the passage fits under it.
Three strategies that will help you find the main idea are to:
1) look for general versus specific ideas
2) use the topic (the general subject of a section) to lead you to the main idea
3) use key words—verbal clues that lead you to a main idea
The main idea often appears at the beginning of a paragraph, though it may appear elsewhere in a paragraph.
A closely related reading skill is locating supporting details—the added information you need to make sense of the main idea (specific evidence such as examples, causes, reasons, or facts).
Main idea: Many people are strangely passive when they visit a doctor.
Supporting details: 1. Don’t provide enough information about their problem; 2. Don’t get a full explanation about their problem; 3. Don’t understand a doctor’s orders.
See Sophia.org's Understanding Main Idea and Supporting Details as a Reading Strategy to learn more.