How much does Don Vito (Vincent Margera) weigh?

As it turns out Don Vito's (Vincent Roy Margera) most current weight before he died was not published online. Based on the picture below which was taken in 2006 (prior his charges, which banned him from further portraying ‘Don Vito’) it appears that his weight is almost the same as his brother Phil Margera who was then 312 lbs (142 kg) (after his weight moved down from 353 lbs (160 kg). We think that Don Vito's around 300 lbs.

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His weight probably went down as he died of liver and kidney failure. In an article of NBC News (published on November 16, 2023) he'd been in and out of a suburban Philadelphia hospital since spring.

Vincent's death is only the latest loss to the MTV family in recent years. "Jackass" star Ryan Dunn died in June, 2011, in a car accident at the age of 34.

Tip! View Vincent Margera's filmography.

Monday, November 23 2015