Do you think that simply changing birth rates will cause a nation to undergo further development?

Yes. Changing population trends make resources not so limited and will ultimately create a more sustainable population. A global study published in Science even suggested that modest population decline can actually improve broader standards of living.

Rapid population growth has evidently resulted to a considerable number of problems in infrastructure, fuelwood, water safety, arable lands, etc.

Developed countries do not usually have surging populations, but they do consume a much larger share of the world’s resources than do developing countries.

Developing countries tend to face the more obvious problems associated with population growth, including air and water pollution, overcrowding, high infant mortality, and problems with food distribution.

Lowering birth rates would then eventually bring potential benefits to highly populated countries.

Chances of straining the infrastructure due to overcrowding, shortage of fuelwood due to the lack of luxury of using solar energy, getting diseases due to drinking unsafe water are just some of the major issues that are bound to go major improvements.

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Tags: populationwaterpollution 
Thursday, January 21 2016


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