“Zombie” is defined as a corpse reanimated by witchcraft. These mobile, but undead individuals are portrayed in films as decayed, growling or howling, human flesh crazed, clumsy, and seemingly invincible. Avoid zombie bites. The only way to “kill” one is to destroy its brain. Suggested weapons for protection are a Glock handgun or AR-15/M-16 rifles. Keep plenty of ammo on hand.
collected questions
Is the singer from static-x Ron zombie's brother?
Wat is the track listing for the devil wears prada's Zombie EP? <ILiv@420>
Omg my skin is so bad i look like ah zombie literally. And i cant afford ah dermotogist what can i do asap!!!!!
Is undead a word
If a vampire bit a zombie would the vampire become a zombie become a zombie or would the zombie become a vampire
What was the original concept of a zombie
When did zombies first appear
How 2 unlock guns for call of duty black ops zombies ?
Is there really a motorcycle named zombie?
Can u give me unlock all code for skate 3 for xbox360
What codes can i put into the Computer on blackops to get more zombie levels
top five oddest wedding color choices
wheir is the funny painting on dead rising 2
Whats your zombie weapon of choice
Difference between zombie & ghoul? <TyrHag>
Translate ''zombie'' in Spanish.
Where do you find the Assassins Greed weapon in dead island
In the 1990 version of Night of the Living Dead, how does Tony Todd's character become a zombie?