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If a baby is born at five months would it be unhealthy
How long would someone have to be in 30 to 40 digree weather to die of hypothermia? *6pea6nut6*
What does hypothermia and hypathermia mean?
Why could a cats temperature be very low?
TV show whale wars the episode devils ice box. The Suffers from Hypothermia. Did anyone die from that episode.
I feel cold on my lower body ..my head is fine my nose is not clogged .. I'm a bit weak.. I don't think I got a fever... what is it?
How cold does it have to be before your toes and finger's get frost bit?
What are the sighs of alcohol poison
What does it mean when your temperature is low?
What dose it mean if i have 94 temp in one ear and 93 in the other ear
is 97.0 a low body temperature?
Can opossoms catch rabies? Peace and Love
Do zombies poop?
Why do dogs bodys get hot at night
How do you know if you have alchohol poisioning <NUGGETS>
Can being cold affect your bowels?
lethargy and low body tempterature are symtons of a defect in what?
How can you get hyperthermia?
what are signs of alchol posiening?
Wat are 10 major side affects of annorexia
What is hypothermia and can you die from it? -I love ralph-
do people who live in alaska live longer than people from other warmer regions?
will a chinchuala die if you get it wet?
How cold does it have to be before your body shuts down
If a human body was subjected to -450 degree temp without a suit how long til it would b fatal.
whats the warmest temp it would have to be to get hyperthermia
how did i end up in the front yard. naaked. in the snow?
What is hypothermia
When you freeze to death does your brain freeze?
Is it safe to eat the 1st snowfall?
What is wrong if your body temp is below 98.6
At what body temperature is a patient considered to be hypothermic?
Can you get hypothermia at a tanning salon
Why do my feet get clammy all the time?
What are the signs of hypothermia?
Does it mean something is wrong if your body temperature is lower than average?
how come my feet are blue? 11![:
How mucch heat and cold can da human body take
Wish i was kidding but drunk guy i know claims2have walked3HRS home AT -18 OUTSIDE....WHAT TEMP (NOT WINDCHILL) WOULD HAVE KILLED HIM ? thanks kgb
Whats hypothermia ?
what kind of sickness would you have if you had the temperature of 87 too about 93 degrees farenheit
whats it mean when your tempratures below 95?
What do HYPOTHERMIN means
Can a person get sick if they take a shower and then go outside
How do you warm a dog that is close to hypothermia without warming it to fast?
Can you get hypothermia in the desert?
What does a low body temperature indicate for a human being?
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