Are jellyfish attracted to urine? What are they attracted to?

Urine does not attract jellyfish.

The warmer water temperatures are what attract the jellyfish which is why jellyfish blooms are usually found in the waters in the warmer months.

If you pee in the ocean it will be diluted to the point of insignificance within minutes.

Some people believe that urinating on a jellyfish sting relieves the pain. But it can actually aggravate the jellyfish's stingers into releasing more venom.

As per Independent, doesn’t have the right chemical make-up to solve the problem. A better treatment would be to pour seawater or vinegar over the sting.

If people get stung, they need to get out of the water to avoid getting stung again. Once out, slowly pouring seawater over the sting will help ease the pain. Doing the same thing with vinegar can be even more effective; the acid helps neutralize the jellyfish sting.

Jellyfish and jelly-like sea creatures come in an immensely diverse range of forms. Here are 14 fascinating facts about jellyfish shared by

Tags: jellyfishurineocean 
Friday, August 12 2016


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