Free KGB Mobile Text Alerts

KGB Alerts let you receive your favorite entertainment, news and informational content right on your mobile phone.

So sign up today, it's easy, fast and best of all free! *

(*Std msg & data rates may apply)


  • What are kgb Alerts?
    kgb Alerts offer a great way for you to get a variety of fun, free content sent to your mobile phone once per day. From diet and flirt tips to horoscopes, fun facts and more they're a great way to start off your day!
  • How do I sign up?
    It's easy, just text the keyword associated with each alert to 542542 and we'll sign you up.
  • Is there a cost to receive kgb Alerts?
    No, kgb Alerts are free to sign up but standard message and data rates may apply.
  • How often do I get these alerts?
    Most kgb Alerts go out once daily. Some alerts may go out more than once but we'll let you know when a particular alert goes out more than once per day.
  • When are alerts sent? Can I change the day and/or time I get the alerts?
    kgb Alerts go out daily. Currently, you cannot choose when to receive your alerts but we'll be offering that option in the near future.
  • How do I stop/cancel receiving alerts that I've signed up to?
    You can stop receiving kgb Alerts by texting back NOALERTS. However this will stop ALL alerts. You'll then need to sign up again for the alerts that you do want.