A man on a motorcycle rides 110 miles in 330. What is his average speed in miles per hour?

If the man travelling 110 miles in 330 minutes, then his average speed is 20 miles per hour.

When you are solving problems for distance, speed, and time, you will find it helpful to use diagrams and/or charts to organize the information and help you solve the problem.

You will also apply the formula that solves distance, speed/rate and time:

d = rt (Multiply)

r = d/t (Divide)

t = d/r (Divide)

See problems involving the rate, time and distance equation at:




Here are the steps required for Solving Distance, Rate, and Time problems from Mesacc.edu.

Tag: motorcycle 
Tuesday, September 26 2017
Source: https://www.thoughtco.com/solving-distance-speed-rate-time-problems-2311988